Educational Foundation

We are building something great. Be part of the Foundation.

The Holy Spirit Educational Foundation is a separately incorporated, tax exempt, 501(c)(3) charitable trust established in 1988 to provide financial support to Holy Spirit Parish. With the mission to “help make Catholic educational opportunities affordable to all members of the Parish of the Holy Spirit,” the Foundation has provided the parish with more than $2.5 million over the years. Currently annual funding support is directed primarily to tuition assistance for over 80 families who might not otherwise have the option of choosing a Catholic education. Financial disbursements also fund religious education opportunities for adults and youth of the Parish.

All gifts to the endowment fund are permanently retained and invested. Revenue generated by careful stewardship of this investment is disbursed annually to support education Holy Spirit. Since donations made to the Foundation are never spent, they become “Forever Gifts,” providing financial stability and security in perpetuity.

You can make a donation to the Educational Foundation here.

For more information on the Educational Foundation please email

Educational Foundation Trustees

  • Adam Schwallier (Chair)
  • Pat Kalahar
  • Rev. Mark Peacock
  • Matt Bastic
  • Christopher Brown
  • Vito Dolci
  • Daryl Nowicki
  • Diane Pelak
  • Brad Sturgell